We knew the hen was sitting on a bunch of eggs near our compost pile as she almost got her head chopped off by the weed eater a few weeks ago. Had Mario not been so vigilant and seen her sitting, motionless, under a patch of weeds he could have whacked her. Instead he fixed up her area and we all have been waiting and wondering when she would proudly show up with her young chicks.
Well, yesterday was the day. I went out to check and there they all were. I couldn't count all the chicks but today I did and it looks like there are 14 of them!!!! How in the world will she be able to cover that many chicks when they start to get bigger? We'll find out. She's a fierce mother, having tried to attack me yesterday when I put some baby chick food out in front of her brood. Today they are all safe in our little baby chick area; safe from hawks for the time being.
In the general gloominess of the bad weather and the growing season getting off to a very slow start, it's hopeful to see the new brood. At the same time we hope we don't have another hidden nest of 14 more somewhere in the yard!!!