Hope you are all having a good, no great, week! We are all busy as can be with harvest in full swing; not just harvest, we're also always thinking ahead and planting so we have food all year round. This past week we put more leeks in, transplanted the last batch of cabbage, broccoli, romanesco, cauliflower, seeded carrots, chicory (puntarelle, pan di zucchero, radicchio, etc---yum, yum). When I say, "we" I mean, Jesus and Pablo! We have to thank them so much for keeping on top of things!!! We're a team, that's for sure.
If it rains, that will really put a damper on Tomatoes and could cause problems with the dry Grain Corn. Let's hope it stays dry for the most part. We shall just have to wait and see. Those of you who are thinking about putting up Tomatoes had better get it done soon, however. The Tomatoes are winding down one way or another. We will be cooking some up this weekend and making more batches of Pesto as well. Time for Eggplant Parmesan too. It is so easy to freeze stuff. Just ask if you need help.
Okay, here's most of what we have: Tomatoes, Strawberries, Orange Flesh and Green Flesh Honeydew Melons and Watermelons, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Pickling Cucumbers, Lemon and Slicer Cucumbers, Potatoes of a few varieties, Garlic, Onions, Chard, Kale(s), Eggplant, Colorful Summer Squash (Zukes, Patty Pans), Kohlrabi, Fennel, Dill, what else??? gorgeous Chile Peppers and Sweet Peppers, Lettuce, Chicory, Green Beans, both Romano and Blue Lake, Huge Celery, Carrots, Beets, Fresh Christmas Limas! and some Green Onions, and a bit of Okra...
Wool products from Lee's Shetland Sheep, Heirlooms Corn Meal, Dried and Smoked Chiles and Powders, amazingly delicious PICKLES, Sauerkraut, Hot Sauce, Jams...
Speaking of Jams, Dominique and Lee just made a new batch of Farm Blend the other day so we should have that this weekend!
Reminder our OPEN HOUSE or BARN WARMING PARTY is October 9 from Noon to 5. Here's a link for a bit of more info: http://www.tierravegetables.com/Partyontheslab.html
Clover Stornetta has donated 30 pounds of cheese for the tacos!!! La Tortilla Factory donated tortillas the last time and I am pretty sure they will do so again (I just need to call today and ask them). We have a great community, that's for sure! Please, let's keep it local and support them!
OPEN TUESDAY - FRIDAY 11 - 6 AND SATURDAY 10 - 4. 651 Airport Blvd, Santa Rosa
Come on in, see the White Barn, say, "hey" and get stuff to eat now and freeze up for the winter that is rapidly approaching!