Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. We were at my sister's (thanks again, Patsy) and had a great time! We had a little time off which was great. Now it's back to the farm!
The days are beautiful once the fog rolls away but it's soup weather in the evening! We're got all your ingredients from Celery to Cilantro/ Potatoes to Parsley Root! Leeks to Legumes! Garlic to Greens! Beets to Broccoli!
Hey, this is fun! Point is, we've got what you need for soups! Spices to Surprises!
Onions, Garlic, Potatoes, Leeks, Celeriac, Parsley Root, Sunchokes, Salsify, Beets, Carrots, Rutabaga, Brussels Sprouts, Romanesco, Chard, Kales of many varieties and colors, Celery, Fennel, Broccoli, Cauliflower Green Onions, lots of Italian Greens such as Caselfranco, Pan di Zucchero, Traveso and more! Winter Squash such as Butternut, Pie, Delicata and Spaghetti and ???
Great Gift Ideas such as Heirloom Dried Beans with Spices such as Smoked Onion Salt, Chipotle Salt and Powder, Espelette and other Chile Powders, the hard to find Nora chiles, yes, we have them! Heirloom Corn Meals in various colors and of course the Chile Jams, Hot Sauces and lots of Culinary Gifts!
Come on in! We were nicely busy the days before Thanksgiving and we really need to keep it that way! Local, local, local! We are so Local we are members of Go Local and if you have a Go Local Card you get $2 off purchases over $20! Here's the Go Local Link for other local business members. http://sonomacounty.golocal.coop/
We are still OPEN FIVE DAYS A WEEK! Tuesday - Friday 11 - 5:30 and Saturday 10 - 4!
Come on in and say, "hey!"